Case Study Competition

Case Study Competition

  • PARTICIPANTS: 9 teams comprising of 4 members in each team.
  • GUEST/S: 1. Jani Dhiren 2. Gautam Dua
    • The final round of Case Study competition was been conducted by the club on 24th August 2018 at 8:00 am in conference hall. The first round of competition was been conducted on 10th August 2018 in conference hall. This was the preliminary shortlisting round, where the students were given a case study on the spot and within stipulated time of 1 hour they had to write the solution of the case in the provided sheet. After  that the students were shortlisted on the basis of evaluation done by the organisers and about 9 teams were shortlisted.
    • Then on 24th August these selected 9 teams were given different case one day before the competition and were asked to prepare and present the case.
  • The judgement criteria for the competition were:
    • 1. Understanding of the case content
    • 2. Team participation
    • 3. Case analysis
    • 4. Awareness of the points made
    • 5. Response to the questions

All the participants were given marks out of 10 for each criterion and finally the total was taken. The team scoring highest marks were
accordingly given first, second and third prizes. The first prize winner would get Rs. 1500 cash prize, the second prize- Rs. 1000 and third
prize- Rs. 500.

  • Conclusion: The competition successfully got completed at around 11:00 am. The winners were declared on the spot they are:
    • 1st Prize- Mr. Umesh Goyal- Rs. 1500/- Mr. Nikhil Chajjed, Mr. Madhav Daga, Mr. Abhay Gupta
    • 2nd Prize- Mr. Anil Bagri, Mr. Sajal Agarwal– Rs. 1000/-, Ms. Simran Madhrani, Mr. Siddhant Mehta
    • 3rd Prize- Mr. Karan Rajpal – Rs.500/-,  Mr. Keyur Narola, Mr. Nidhish Narola
  • ACKWLEDGEMENT: Any event is impossible without volunteers, who work at the backstage tirelessly for the event's success.
  • List of volunteers:
    • 1. Maharsh Doriwala
    • 2. Mahima Tulsiyani
    • 3. Aayushi Jain
    • 4. Mridul Baid
    • 5. Mayank
    • 6. Shweta Dhandha
    • 7. Shivani Senghani
    • 8. Nishika Bajaj
    • 9. Divya Gandhi
    • 10. Jhanvi
    • 11. Anjali
  • Name and contact details of the person who wrote the report: Ms. Shiva Gautam (08980610859)
Case Study Competition